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The Greatest Karens of Pop Culture

Karens, Kens, pop culture

The anti-vax, speak-to-the-manager, pseudoscientist caricature, better known as the “Karen”, has evolved from a harmless meme into a generation-defining term meant to describe people who display deeply problematic behaviour. If you’ve ever crossed paths with one of these entitled divas, chances are you walked away with higher blood pressure and a shorter lifespan. Nonetheless, we’d all be lying if we were to deny that Karens and their male counterparts, the “Ken”s, have been some of the most iconic characters to have graced our screens. In honour of these curious and twisted sources of joy and entertainment, here’s a list of some of the most infamous individuals of their kind - from the most detestable to the debatable to the unquestionable show stealers🤪!

10. Joffrey Baratheon/Lannister (Game of Thrones)

Joffrey Baratheon, Joffrey Lannister, Game of Thrones, Jack Gleeson

(Image Credit: Screenrant)

Vain, arrogant, and with absolutely nothing to offer to society, this illegitimate heir to the Iron Throne believes himself to be a warrior and commander though he can’t fight for nuts - highly ironic given his sadism. It’s quite difficult not to despise this embodiment of the word “brat”, which just makes it all the more a pleasure to see him being put in his place by his grandfather and adviser Tywin Lannister and, of course, to watch him suffer a horrific death at his own wedding. “Just desserts” are truly the sweetest 🤤.

9. Jessie (Pokémon)

Jessie, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Pokemon anime

(Image Credit: CBR)

Undoubtedly the most egotistical character of the Pokémon franchise, this inept Pokémon poacher never fails to elicit an eye roll with her ranting and whining 🙄😒. Hell-bent on her inefficacious way of fighting, she gets trashed a lot more than her team and boss would like. least we get to enjoy a rush of satisfaction whenever she and her team are - quite literally - blasted off the screen.

8. Mycroft Holmes (Enola Holmes)

Mycroft Holmes, Enola Holmes, Netflix, Sam Claflin

(Image Credit: Digital Spy)

Sherlock Holmes’s eldest brother is portrayed in the Netflix original film Enola Holmes as a narrow-minded man, holding a rigid and conservative opinion of how society should be. While there isn’t anything particularly likeable about Mycroft’s annoying demeanour and elitist quips, the glee in seeing him fail to get at his sister Enola leaves us begging for more of his useless antics and hissy fits. For those of us who have no clue how to clap back at Karens and Kens in real life, Enola shows us how it’s done as she repeatedly - and skilfully - shuts Mycroft down 😌✊🏼.

7. Christian Grey (Fifty Shades of Grey)

Christian Grey, 50 Shades of Grey, Jamie Dornan

(Image Credit: Bustle)

Christian Grey: I have rules. If you follow them, I'll reward you. If you don't, I'll punish you.

Anastasia Steele: What can I get out of this?

Christian Grey: Me.

Just that short excerpt says it all 👀. This tycoon’s BDSM lifestyle ain’t just a matter of regularly engaging in sexual activity, it serves to crystallise (and highlight to the audience) his narcissistic self. Even outside the bedroom, he burns with desire to claim control over every aspect of Ana’s life. Whether he’s truly detestable, however, seems quite debatable, especially since the entire trilogy ultimately centres around his abusive past which got him to this messed-up state in the first place. And then again, it’s quite difficult to hate someone with that face, isn’t it?

6. Baroness Von Hellman (Cruella)

Baroness Von Hellman, Cruella, Disney, Emma Thompson

(Image Credit: AsiaOne)

A personification of the phrase “bad press is better than no press”, the baroness craves attention, puts on airs, and is best described as having the main character syndrome. Even so, there is just something so alluring about seeing a Karen who doesn’t fit into the stereotypical “soccer mom” aesthetic, but who instead pairs her arrogance with a befittingly chic gown. Then again, you know what they say about visually appealing animals - the more brightly coloured and prettily patterned, the more poisonous they are ☠️.

5. Appa/Mr. Kim (Kim’s Convenience)

Appa. Mr. Kim, Kim’s Convenience, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, CBC Television

(Image Credit: The New Yorker)

A practical, stubborn, and opinionated patriarch who clings to somewhat traditional Asian values. Hearing him talk makes us want to pull our hair out - since he embodies practically everything that makes Asian parents frustrating to their children - but there is no way we can watch him without being moved by his kind heart and dedication to his family. Perhaps it’s the clumsy way he eventually comes round his learned prejudices to reconcile with his son, as well as better his relationship with his daughter, which makes it difficult not to root for this ironically✨wholesome✨ Ken.

4. Eleanor Young (Crazy Rich Asians)

Eleanor Young, Crazy Rich Asians, Michelle Yeoh

(Image Credit: POPSUGAR)

With her sharp tongue and ridiculously high expectations, Eleanor Young is quite a force to be reckoned with (correction: she is THE force to be reckoned with). What makes her such a memorable character is the way she argues with such reason and unyielding conviction, making her one of the very few Karens who actually know how to win a fight 💪🏼. Anyone would hate to be on the receiving end of her judgemental gaze, but who wouldn’t applaud her for spitting out some of the fieriest remarks ever heard in cinema history? In comparison to her, it’s crystal clear that the previous entries on this list “will never be enough”.

3. Cheon Song-yi (My Love from the Stars)

Cheon Song-yi, My Love From The Star, My Love From The Stars, Jun Ji-Hyun

(Image Credit: IMDb)

Known for her haughty demeanour and lavish lifestyle, this self-proclaimed queen literally lives in her own world and thinks everything revolves around her! With that said, you’ll realise that she’s far from being a 2-dimensional bitch. In fact, one might argue that she’s the perfect embodiment of the word “meme”🥴.

2. Jade West (Victorious)

Jade West, Victorious, Elizabeth Gillies, Nickelodeon

(Image Credit: Pinterest)

When it comes to shining the spotlight on this gothic diva (left), it really makes more sense for us to let her actions speak for themselves 💅🏼. Seriously...what an absolute icon she is for transforming the disturbing personality traits of the Karen caricature into springboards for ingenious comedy!

1. Olenna Tyrell (Game of Thrones)

Olenna Tyrell, Game of Thrones, Diana Rigg

(Image Credit: Cosmopolitan)

Yes, who else other than “the famously tart-tongued Queen of Thorns” would deserve first place 👑? Just sit back, relax, click here and behold! Let this erudite, witty, cunning and absolutely savage mistress of court politics show you how to easily out-Karen everyone else on this list and out-burn even a dragon.


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